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Understanding NGS Library Preparation and Conversion

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NGS (Next-Generation Sequencing) equipment is a technology used to rapidly analyze the nucleotide sequences of genomes. In this process, it is necessary to fragment the DNA samples into small pieces and attach universal primers to both ends of these DNA fragments. This process is known as NGS library preparation, and the primer binding sites are referred as NGS adapters.

NGS adapters are attached to both ends of the DNA fragments, playing a crucial role in the sequencing process. They provide the binding sites for primers during sequencing, allowing the DNA fragments to be recognized and amplified by the sequencing instrument. Since different sequencing platforms use different types of primers, it is essential to use the appropriate adapter sequences specific to each platform. The method of using the appropriate reagent setup and adapter sequences for a particular platform to create NGS libraries is called the ‘Native’ NGS library preparation method, which is the most commonly used approach.

Apart from the Native NGS library prep method, there are other ways to utilize various different sequencing platforms. For instance, after preparing an NGS library using a library prep kit designed for a different sequencing platform, you can use a PCR process to change or add adapter sequences to make the library compatible with the desired sequencing platform. This experimental method is known as NGS Library Conversion. When target enrichment kit is used for following step, the post-PCR step can be replaced with the PCR from the NGS Library Conversion, allowing the experiment to proceed without becoming more complex and also avoid jeopardizing the sequencing performance.

The advantage of using an NGS library conversion kit is that you can continue using the familiar NGS library prep kit without changing experimental conditions or reagents. Additionally, if multiple sequencing platforms are being used simultaneously, you only need to choose one type of library prep kit, which can also be beneficial for storage and inventory management. Furthermore, when comparing the performance of the same experiment across different sequencing platforms, samples can be divided at the final step and applied, ensuring that the entire experimental process, including the initial sample condition, library prep, and target enrichment, remains perfectly consistent for comparison.

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