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Celemics Long-Read NGS Library Preparation & Target Enrichment Technology Since the introduction of the first Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) instrument, numerous sequencing platforms

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What is exome?   The exome refers to the complete set of protein-coding regions in the human genome. Exome accounts for only 1.5% of the human genome, while the remaining regions are composed of various types of non-coding DNA, such as transposons, repeats, and other elements. Some non-coding DNA regions are known to have important […]

The performance of the target capture panel can be evaluated using various metrics and below are few examples for defining the performance: 1. Coverage    There are two types of coverage: depth of coverage and breadth of coverage. Depth of coverage (usually abbreviated as ‘depth’) refers to the average number of reads that aligned to […]

 Bioinformatics is the intersection of computer science, statistics and biology used to collect, store, organize and analyze life science data. Using these techniques, a large amount of data produced from NGS equipment can be rapidly and effectively analyzed to obtain useful human-readable data. A typical analysis pipeline used for NGS data analysis is as follows. […]

 Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is a sequencing technology characterized by massive parallel data production compared to conventional Sanger sequencing. Although the cost of sequencing continues to decrease with advances in NGS technology, target capture method still plays a key role for improving sequencing efficiency and cost-effectiveness in NGS experiment. Currently, there are two major target […]