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Effect of High/Low GC-Ratio: NGS Library Prep Kit & Polymerase
Celemics Library Preparation Kit & Polymerase: Effect of High/Low GC-Ratio To conduct Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS), DNA sample must undergo a Library Preparation
Check Celemics’ Publications
Efficient Virus Detection: NGS-Based Pathogen Research Solutions
PDF Download Viral and Pathogen Research | NGS solution for Virus Detection Celemics Hybridization Capture technology offers customized NGS solutions optimized for Virus Detection and Pathogen Research.With our proprietary probe design technology, We provide NGS panel development and analysis services capable of detecting both known and emerging infections caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites, […]
NGS Approaches for Mitochondrial DNA Analysis
Mitochondria are crucial organelles within cells that produce energy. They primarily generate ATP (adenosine triphosphate) through cellular respiration, which is essential for various cellular functions. Mitochondria have a double-membrane structure and contain their own mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), separate from the nuclear DNA. This mtDNA is circular and double-stranded, consisting of approximately 16,569 base pairs in […]
NGS Library Preparation Kit: Differences Between LP and EP
Next-generation Sequencing (NGS) instrument requires preparation of your sample library into a suitable format for sequencing platform of interest. Celemics offers two different NGS library preparation kits tailored for sequencing platforms such as Illumina, MGI, and Ion Torrent. In this post, we will introduce Celemics’ two library preparation kits: LP and EP. What is […]
Celemics Blocker: Improve your NGS Target Enrichment efficiency
In order to maximize the accuracy and efficiency of NGS, the Blocker plays a crucial role. Celemics designs and manufactures the Blockers, whether it is sequencer-specific or species-specific, used in all our Target Enrichment Kits to ensure our customers to achieve optimal NGS results. We would like to dedicate this post to introduce Celemics Blockers. […]
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), particularly short-read NGS using platforms like Illumina and MGI, requires adapter sequences attached to both ends of the DNA library. Consequently, all samples have identical sequences at both ends. These identical sequences can cause a byproduct known as Bubble product during library preparation, leading to various experimental and sequencing challenges. This […]
Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) has become an essential tool in genomics research and also plays a crucial role in variant analysis. Setting the appropriate sequencing depth is critical when analyzing variants using NGS data, as it determines the accuracy and cost-effectiveness of the experiment. For instance, higher sequencing depth allows for the detection of variants with […]