Mitochondrial DNA Panel

High uniformity and complete coverage of human mitochondrial genome


Specifically Designed for Small Target Region-based Whole mtDNA Genome Analysis

Celemics mitochondrial DNA sequencing panel enables the same high level of target capture efficiency regardless of small target sizes even with a stand-alone panel

Celemics has specifically designed the hybridization probes and adjusted the concentration of the panel for each respective use with our own proprietary rebalancing technologies to provide complete, consistent coverage of the whole mtDNA genome while taking into consideration small target regions. This enables the same high level of target capture efficiency regardless of small target sizes even with a stand-alone panel.

Mitochondiral DNA
Features & Benefits

High-fidelity Sequencing

Along with our proprietary assay development and optimization technologies, we ensure to present maximum capture efficiency in custom panels without affecting target specificity. You will experience our market-leading coverage and uniformity across the entire human mitochondrial genome.

IGV Example of Celemics mtDNA Sequencing Panel

Celemics mtDNA Sequencing Panel shows over 99% with high uniformity
Celemics’ mtDNA sequencing can be performed in two different ways, depending on how the library is prepared. The hybridization-based panel is performed by using specifically designed capture probes. Our own proprietary rebalancing technologies provide sequencing results with complete and consistent coverage of the mtDNA whole genome.

NGS Sequencing Amount On-target
Base Ratio
Mean Depth Coverage
10x 50x 100x
10Mb 97.93% 493x 99.98% 99.91% 99.87%
Mitochondiral DNA

Flexible Customized Panel

The panel can conveniently added on to other Celemics’ ready-to-use target enrichment panels, such as G-Mendeliome panels for further mtDNA-derived rare disease discoveries, or simply develop a full set of customized panel to include mitochondrial DNA analysis.



*Gene Add-On Service: Genes can be added by customer's request.
Covered region Whole mitochondrial genome
Target size 16.6 kb
Mutation type SNV, Indel
Sample type (amount) Blood (> 50 ng of fragmented DNA)
Platform All sequencers from Illumina, Thermo Fisher, MGI, PacBio, and Oxford Nanopore
Bioinformatics Support ① Primary Analysis: FASTQ to annotated VCF
② Secondary Analysis: Large InDel

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Technical Resources

[Product Overview] Celemics Mitochondrial DNA Panel

[Product Overview] Celemics Target Enrichment Panel Overview

[Catalogue] Celemics Products & Service Catalogue_All Products & Service

Safety Data Sheets

If you require the latest MSDS file, please contact us via ‘Contact Us‘.

MSDS_Mitochondiral DNA Panel_Illumina

MSDS_Mitochondiral DNA Panel_Thermo Fisher

MSDS_Mitochondiral DNA Panel_MGI