
[Customer Testimonials] Cecilia Ljungberg / CEO at LabLife Nordic AB

In-silico designed and wet-lab validated to ensure state-of-the-art capture performance

[Customer Testimonials] Cecilia Ljungberg / CEO at LabLife Nordic AB

  • Post category:Videos

Introducing ‘Celemics Customer Interview Series’ to highlight the strengths and products of Celemics’ target enrichment NGS solutions and how we integrate our exclusive NGS technologies to fully support our customers in their NGS journey. Our first customer is Cecilia from Lablife. During the interview, she emphasizes her partnership and collaboration experience with team Celemics and how Celemics has contributed in Lablife’s win cases. Check out our testimonial with Cecilia!


Key moments:
How would you describe your partnership experience with Celemics?
What, in your opinion, Would you say Celemics’ Strength?
Looking forward to our forthcoming opportunities and collaborations.

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