BRCA 1/2

The Most Comprehensive BRCA Coverage with All Types of Variants


정교한 프로브 디자인으로 BRCA 1,2의 중요 유전변이를 모두 검출 가능

셀레믹스의 BRCA 1,2 패널은 BRCA 1, BRCA 2 유전자의 전체 Coding Sequence (CDS)는 UTR과 프로모터 영역은 물론 각 CDS의 앞뒤 40bp까지 추가로 분석 가능해 Splicing Site에 포함되어 있는 유전 변이까지 분석할 수 있도록 디자인되었습니다. Large InDel, CNV 분석을 포함해 BRCA1, 2 영역에 발생한 모든 형태의 유전 변이 검출이 가능한 패널을 제공해 드립니다. 낮은 품질의 임상 샘플 및 FFPE에도 적용 가능한 수준의 패널을 공급하며, 셀레믹스 BI 분석 서비스를 통해 기본적인 NGS 데이터 분석부터 Strand Lifesciences의 Clinical Interpretation 리포트를 제공받으실 수도 있습니다.

BRCA 1/2 image
Features & Benefits

BRCA 1, 2에 대한 포괄적인 시퀀싱 결과 제공

셀레믹스의 BRCA 1,2 패널은 BRCA 1, BRCA 2 유전자의 전체 CDS 영역에 대한 염기서열 정보를 얻을 수 있도록 디자인되었습니다. UTR, Promoter 영역을 포함하고 있으며 CDS 앞뒤의 40bp까지 커버하도록 프로브를 디자인하였기에 Splicing Site에 발생한 유전 변이까지 검출 가능합니다. Protein-coding 영역에 대한 100%의 Coverage 및 높은 Uniformity를 지닌 패널을 제공해 드립니다.

Comparison data with competitors' products

  • The extremely low standard deviation of uniformity enables consistent and reliable sequencing results
  • In-house test of the panel shows 100% of coverage for all target regions including whole CDS (+/- 40 bp), UTR, and promoter region


Comparison data with competitors' products - Coverage


BRCA 유전자에 발생한 모든 종류의 유전 변이를 분석 가능

셀레믹스의 BRCA 1,2 패널은 모든 종류의 유전 변이 검출이 가능합니다. SNV, Short Indel, Deletion, Duplication은 물론 Large Rearrangement 검출까지 가능해 BRCA 1, 2 유전자의 완전한 정보를 제공합니다. 엑손 사이를 타겟으로 한 추가 프로브로 보다 정밀한 CNV 분석이 가능합니다.

  • The extremely low standard deviation of uniformity enables consistent and reliable sequencing results
  • In-house testing of the panel indicated 100% coverage for all target regions including whole CDS (±40 bp), UTR, and promoter region

Example of variants data and result of CNV analysis


쉽고 빠른 워크플로우로 하루 안에 시퀀싱 가능한 패널을 제공합니다.

셀레믹스에서는 사용자 편의를 위해 모든 Ready-to-use 패널에 대해 프로토콜 최적화를 진행하였습니다. 기존의 20 시간 이상 걸리던 NGS 실험 과정을 8 시간 미만으로 끝낼 수 있어 하루 안에 시퀀싱을 진행할 수 있습니다.

독자적인 시약, 비드 기술을 통해 Tapestation, Sonicator 등이 필요한 과정을 시약 및 효소로 진행할 수 있도록 프로토콜을 개선하여 별도의 장비 없이 Target Enrichment 실험을 수행할 수 있으며, 자동화 장비에 적용할 수 있습니다.

Newly Developed Same-Day Workflow

The figure demonstrates that Celemics has significantly reduced the time for performing Whole Exome Sequencing from the conventional 20 hours to 5 hour minimum workflow.

» 20 hours

Library Prep

Target Capture

Newly Developed Same-Day Workflow

» 5-8 hours

Library Prep

Target Capture

Newly Developed Same-Day Workflow

The figure demonstrates that Celemics has significantly reduced the time for performing Whole Exome Sequencing from the conventional 20 hours to 5 hour minimum workflow.

Newly developed same day workflow

Other Features

Other features image

다양한 샘플 타입 지원

FFPE, ctDNA를 포함해 다양한 샘플에 적용 가능한 패널 제공

Other features image

CE-IVD 자격 획득

체외 진단 의료기기 자격 중 하나인 CE-IVD 획득. 95% 이상의 민감도, 99.5% 이상의 특이도를 갖는 패널 제공 (SNV, InDel 등)

Other features image

BI 분석 SW 제공 가능

FASTQ부터 Annotated VCF까지 가능한 BI 분석 SW를 제공할 수 있으며, 옵션에 따라 clinical Interpretation 리포트 제공 가능.


유럽 기반의 서버를 사용으로 EU-GDPR 기준 충족


*Gene Add-On Service: Genes can be added by customer’s request.
Gene count* BRCA 1/2 genes
Covered region Whole CDS (+/- 40 bp), UTR, Promoter
Target size 23 kb
Mutation type SNV, Indel, CNV
Sample type(amount) Blood (> 50 ng of fragmented DNA), FFPE
Platform All sequencers from Illumina, Thermo Fisher, MGI, PacBio, and Oxford Nanopore
Sensitivity > 95% for all variant types at 5% VAF
Specificity 99.9%(SNV), 99.5%(Indel)
Bioinformatics Support ① Primary Analysis: FASTQ to annotated VCF
② Secondary Analysis: CNV, Large InDel
③ Tertiary Analysis: Clinical interpretation

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Streptavidin Bead

최고 품질의 마그네틱 비드로 사용하기 편리하며 높은 재현성을 보여 NGS 실험에 최적화된 비드


PCR 반응에 필요한 모든 구성요소를 포함하고 있는 믹스 제품이며 NGS에서 요구하는 정확도를 충족한 제품


Technical Resources

[Product Overview] BRCA 1,2 Panel

[Product Overview] Celemics Target Enrichment Panel Overview

[Catalogue] Celemics Products & Service Catalogue_All Products & Service

Safety Data Sheets

최신 MSDS 파일이 필요하시면 ‘Contact Us‘를 통해 문의 주시기 바랍니다.

MSDS_BRCA 1/2 Panel_Illumina

MSDS_BRCA 1/2 Panel_Thermo Fisher



Cancer Research and Treatment

Varlitinib and Paclitaxel for EGFR/HER2 Co-Expressing Advanced Gastric Cancer: A Multicenter Phase Ib/II Study (K-MASTER-13)

Koo DH, Jung M, Kim YH, Jeung HC, Zang DY, Bae WK, Kim H, Kim HS, Lee CK, Kwon WS, Chung HC. Varlitinib and Paclitaxel for EGFR/HER2 Co-Expressing Advanced Gastric Cancer: a Multicenter Phase Ib/II Study (K-MASTER-13). Cancer Research and Treatment. 2024 Apr 29.



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Summary | celemics publications


#ctDNA Sample

# AlphaLiquid® 100 Panel


Varlitinib is a pan-human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER) inhibitor targeting epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), HER2, and HER4. We present a phase Ib/II study of a combination of varlitinib and weekly paclitaxel as a second-line treatment for patients with EGFR/HER2 co-expressing advanced gastric cancer (AGC).


Genomic alteration landscape in circulating tumor DNA analysis according to the progression-free survival (PFS), overall survival (OS), and EGFR/HER2 immunohistochemical expression (n=15).


A combination of varlitinib and paclitaxel displayed manageable toxicity and modest antitumor activity in patients with EGFR/HER2 co-expressing AGC who progressed after first-line chemotherapy.


The circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) was extracted from the patient’s plasma (10 mL) at two time points (before treatment and at the first response evaluation or end of the treatment). The DNA NGS library and solution-based target enrichment were performed at IMBdx, Inc. (Seoul, Korea), using AlphaLiquid100. The captured DNA libraries were sequenced using the Illumina NovaSeq 6000 platform (Illumina, San Diego, CA) in the 2×150 bp paired-end mode.

Related Product

Circulating Tumor DNA Panel for 

Colorectal / Lung / Breast Cancer

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The circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) was extracted from the patient’s plasma (10 mL) at two time points (before treatment and at the first response evaluation or end of the treatment). The DNA NGS library and solution-based target enrichment were performed at IMBdx, Inc. (Seoul, Korea), using AlphaLiquid100. The captured DNA libraries were sequenced using the Illumina NovaSeq 6000 platform (Illumina, San Diego, CA) in the 2×150 bp paired-end mode.


Colorectal Cancer
Sensitivity Freq. 0.5% 100%
Freq. 1.0% 100%
Specificity 97.9%


Breast Cancer
Sensitivity Freq. 0.5% 94.4%
Freq. 1.0% 100%
Specificity 96.3%


Lung Cancer
Sensitivity Freq. 0.5% 100%
Freq. 1.0% 100%
Specificity 100%

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Discovery and Validation of Survival-Specific Genes in Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma Using a Customized Next-Generation Sequencing Gene Panel

Hwang J, Bang S, Choi MH, Hong SH, Kim SW, Lee HE, Yang JH, Park US, Choi YJ. Discovery and Validation of Survival-Specific Genes in Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma Using a Customized Next-Generation Sequencing Gene Panel. Cancers. 2024 Jan;16(11):2006.



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Frontiers in Neurology

Case report: Compound heterozygous variants detected by next-generation sequencing in a Tunisian child with ataxia-telangiectasia

Ammous-Boukhris N, Abdelmaksoud-Dammak R, Ben Ayed-Guerfali D, Guidara S, Jallouli O, Kamoun H, Charfi Triki C, Mokdad-Gargouri R. Case report: Compound heterozygous variants detected by next-generation sequencing in a Tunisian child with ataxia-telangiectasia. Frontiers in Neurology. 2024 May 31;15:1344018.



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Scientific Reports

Sex-specific survival gene mutations are discovered as clinical predictors of clear cell renal cell carcinoma

Hwang J, Lee HE, Han JS, Choi MH, Hong SH, Kim SW, Yang JH, Park U, Jung ES, Choi YJ. Sex-specific survival gene mutations are discovered as clinical predictors of clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Scientific Reports. 2024 Jul 9;14(1):15800.



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