Double Stranded cDNA Synthesis Kit

Stabilize RNA to double-stranded cDNA for unquestionable performance


Double-stranded cDNA Synthesis Kit

셀레믹스의 Double-stranded cDNA synthesis 키트는 NGS 기반의 RNA 시퀀싱을 수행할 때 사용합니다. 


본 키트에는 RNA 절편화부터 Double-stranded cDNA를 합성하는데 필요한 모든 시약들이 포함되어 있습니다. 매우 높은 안정성과 성능을 가지고 있어 적은 양의 RNA 샘플에 적용하여도 정확하고 빠르게 cDNA를 합성할 수 있습니다.

Library Preparation Kit

cDNA Synthesis Workflow

  • Sample amount : 25 ng to 1 μg (as low as 10 ng)*
  • Assay time : 30 minutes for RNA fragmentation and 2 hours for strand synthesis
  • * Carrier RNA is required for sample amount < 25 ng
cDNA Synthesis Workflow

RNA Fragmentation

1st. Strand Synthesis

2nd. Strand Synthesis-1

2nd. Strand Synthesis-2

Double-stranded cDNA

of an RNA sample

cDNA Synthesis Workflow

  • Sample amount : 25 ng to 1 μg (as low as 10 ng)*
  • Assay time : 30 minutes for RNA fragmentation and 2 hours for strand synthesis
  • * Carrier RNA is required for sample amount < 25 ng
cDNA Synthesis Workflow

RNA Fragmentation

1st. Strand Synthesis

2nd. Strand Synthesis-1

2nd. Strand Synthesis-2

Double-stranded cDNA

of an RNA sample

cDNA Synthesis Workflow

  • Sample amount : 25 ng to 1 μg (as low as 10 ng)*
  • Assay time : 30 minutes for RNA fragmentation and 2 hours for strand synthesis
  • * Carrier RNA is required for sample amount < 25 ng
cDNA Synthesis Workflow

RNA Fragmentation

1st. Strand Synthesis

2nd. Strand Synthesis-1

Double-stranded cDNA
of an RNA sample

2nd. Strand Synthesis-2

Double-stranded cDNA
of an RNA sample

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Technical Resources

[Product Sheet] Celemics Double-stranded cDNA Synthesis Kit

Celemics Target Enrichment Panel Overview

Celemics Products & Services

Safety Data Sheets

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